Get always-on-call access to medical knowledge.

99.8% of AMBOSS users are satisfied!


$10.75 / month (billed yearly)



Membership includes:

Unlimited library access

Anki add-on & smart study tools

Free mobile app use

Interactive medical imaging with overlays

Highly-rated customer support

30-day money-back guarantee

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Upgrade for full Qbank access

The AMBOSS Qbank covers all USMLE® & NBME® exams.

Add access to 2700+ Step 1 Qs, 3200+ Step 2 Qs, 3700+ Shelf Qs, and 2000+ Step 3 Qs

30 Days Money Back-Guarantee

If you’re in the 0.2% that is not 100% satisfied ...

... forward your receipt of payment to within the first 30 days of purchasing. We will cancel your membership and refund you the full amount, no questions asked. Refunds are given only to purchases made directly through AMBOSS.

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Group Discounts for Students

We offer discounts to student groups, the larger the group the higher the discount.

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Why should I become an AMBOSS member?

Well, being a member means you'll always have access to our vast medical library, which is optimized for both quick reference and deep learning. That will help you get through your pre-clinical and clinical years at med school and throughout residency.


(Membership only, add full Qbank access)